You might observe that during rainy season, your plants may grow more. But, more is always not good. One must be careful so that your plants get only as much as they need, water and sunlight.
The below checklist can help you ensure that right care is taken for your plants this monsoon
Place the pots in different place if required

Moving your pots to a place where your pots get sufficient water but not excess water is very important. This helps you preserve the soil and avoid erosion.
Check if pots are drained properly

Check the drainage system of your pots. See that water is not getting stagnated which may give room for mosquito breed. If water is collected in the plate, remove it periodically.
Mix top soil

Loosen the top soil a bit so that it helps in water absorption. If mud is not porous, then water does not seep in easily.
Fertilize your plants

Your plants may loose nutrients because of rain. Hence, use slow releasing, organic fertilizers during this time. This ensures plants get necessary nutrition.
Provide support for your plants

Due to heavy winds during rain, they may need extra support. Use some external support that prevent them from breaking or falling.
Reduce frequency of watering

Over watering may lead to root rot and eventually death of plants. Hence reduce frequency of watering during this season. Water plants if top soil looks dry.
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